Doctor Honoris Causa July 2005
Professor Waldemar Olszewski from the Medical Research Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences was commenced with the honoris causa doctorship of the University of Genoa on account of the lymphatic system research. Professor Olszewski is the first scientist in the world, who performed, a few years ago, a lymphatic-venous anastomosis in a lymphatic stasis.
Also the treatment description belongs to him, based on a "chronical" administration of medicine, what prevents regression of an inflammation of skin, lymphatic vessels, absorbent vessels and limb plastic surgery methods on an extensive lymphatic swelling, so called the elephantiasis.
Argentinian Medical Society
Argentyńskie Towarzystwo Lekarskie nadało tytuł honorowego członka profesorowi Waldemarowi L. Olszewskiemu z Zespołu Kliniczno-Badawczego Epigenetyki Człowieka w uznaniu metod diagnostycznych i leczeniu chorób układu limfatycznego, które zostały wprowadzone do lecznictwa w Argentynie. Uroczystość wręczenia odbyła się w czasie zjazdu Argentyńskiego Towarzystwa Flebologicznego w Buenos Aires.
Bene Merito Medal
Professor Waldemar Lech Olszewski was awarded by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Radoslaw Sikorski the distinction BENE MERITO for promotion of the position of the Republic of Poland abroad by conducting medical research and joint publication with foreign scientists. Cooperation with countries as India, Norway, Italy, Germany and Egypt was based on the agreement signed by the Polish Academy of Sciences with academies of these countries.
Ratschow Memorial Medall
Prof. Waldemar L. Olszewski was awarded the Ratschow Memorial Medal for his life's work, at the annual conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Phlebologie (German Society of Phlebology) on September 21, 2012. With his work over the decades, Prof. Olszewski has made a significant contribution to the field of lymphology.
Lymphatic Research Leadership Award 2006
Prof. Olszewski został wyróżniony za prace dotyczące roli układu limfatycznego w gojeniu ran tkanek i kości, w zakażeniach tkanek kończyn. Wyniki jego badań wskazują, że węzły chłonne regulują proces regeneracji uszkodzonych tkanek, zapobiegając jednocześnie powstaniu autoimmunizacji.
Lymphovenous Canada: NLN's 6th International Conference - New frontiers in Lymphedema Research and Therapy
Dr. Waldemar Olszewski, a doctor from Poland who has worked for many years treating people with lymphedema, and shared his time and knowledge generously with NLN, was on hand to provide continuing insights on the use of antibiotics and the clinic work he had done to reduce lymphedema through compression therapy and in some extreme cases, limb-saving surgery.
A Polish professor is one of the best researchers of the lymphatic system
For years it has been thought that the lymphatic system only served transporting water and protein from tissues to blood. Professor Waldemar Olszewski of the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine in PAN, who has proved that the lymphatic system is much more important than that, has received a Doctorate Honoris Causa from the University of Genoa.
American prize for Polish lymphologist
Polish scientist – Prof. Waldemar Olszewski - has received the "Best Career Investigator Award" from two American medical organisations - The National Lymphedema Network and the Lymphology Association of North America.
Jedrzej Sniadecki Medal
Medal im. Jędrzeja Śniadeckiego jest honorowym wyróżnieniem Wydziału Nauk Medycznych PAN przyznawanym za: rozwijanie nauk medycznych, wybitne wyniki badań naukowych, szczególne osiągnięcia w dziedzinie popularyzacji nauki i medycyny.Medal otrzymał: prof. dr WALDEMAR OLSZEWSKI z Instytutu Medycyny Doświadczalnej i Klinicznej PAN - za cykl prac z dziedziny limfologii (2004)
Experimental and Clinical Transplantation of Hepatocytes in MMRC
(June 2013)
The conference on Experimental and Clinical Transplantation of Hepatocytes took place in our Institute in the period 7-10 July organized by Prof. WL Olszewski and the Egyptian delegation from the Theodor Bilharz Research Institute, Giza, led by Prof. ME Nagui.
It was a periodic event organized under the agreement between the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Egyptian Academy of Science and Technology. The main subjects were preparations for clinical transplantation of hepatocytes in Egypt, where grafting of the whole liver is still restricted by religious motifs. Another point was search for most effective natural culture media for isolated hepatocytes, in order to get a high yield of cells, sufficient for treatment of hepatic coma patients.
Professor Waldemar Lech Olszewski was nominated for CNN Hero 2013